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Internet Agitation
and the
Target Audience

EIU and ŪTMark join forces
for an experiment at the
CRASH: Net Art Symposium
Berkeley, USA
1pm 18 February 2000

EIU joined forces with ŪTMark to allow for the first tele-robotic presentation.  Using this system designed by EIU, the entire presentation was able to be performed remotely.  The system provided two way audio and video.  This allowed for EIU and ŪTMark to control their expression and agitate members of the audience during the presentation.  Besides allowing for remote tele-active control of the system, the robot was able to see the audience.  Individual members of the audience were selected and their image mixed live with various propaganda, crosshairs and military targeting schematics.  Finally, a highly focused xenon light could be turned on and off as well as pan and tilt to individually aimed at selected members of the audience.  The light is designed specifically for law enforcement and military applications to blind and stun individuals and thus deny him or her the ability to use their sights or observe your movements or actions.  Using this tool attached to the tele-robot we were able to selectively stun and temporarily blind individuals during the public discussion.

Collection of images

Another write-up by ŪTMark concerning the EIU system

Eric Paulos / admin@eiu.org